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A Summer Palette


A chic Osterville oasis is served with a colorful twist.

奥斯特维尔的魅力深深打动了这片田园诗般的土地的主人, whose roots in the area stretch back generations. 他们选择这个珍贵的沿海社区来建造自己的避暑胜地也就不足为奇了. 这个私人飞地是典型的科德角家庭院落,拥有自己的个性. 引人注目而宁静的本杰明·摩尔阿萨巴斯卡蓝色百叶窗和门暗示着里面丰富多彩的时尚内饰, while mirroring the bliss of summer skies. 雪松瓦的正面外观以山墙和烟囱为特色, 中央桶形拱顶完美平衡,创造了一种朝向房屋中心的流畅和欢迎的运动.

osterville home, digs design, kitchen, foyer(Photography: Greg Premru)

Though spacious enough to accommodate the growing family of seven, the concept was to create the feeling that “no one is too far away,” says James Golden, principal of James Phillip Golden Architect. “There was a lot of thought put into the home, 为了在整个物业中建立一种联系的整体感觉.” To achieve this, Golden设计了围绕中心庭院和泳池区域的所有主要结构, which lies adjacent to a pool house and garage, the latter of which features a guest house perched above it. 

目前的足迹是一个令人印象深刻的壮举,最初是一个紧张的很多. 幸运的是,贝赛德大厦坚定的团队已经准备好迎接挑战. Brian Dacey, owner of the firm, alongside father-son build team Jimmy and Nick Bowes, 与房主会面,制定一个能满足他们所有愿望的方法. 尼克回忆道:“说我们最大限度地利用了这块土地,这是轻描淡写的。. 由此产生的布局是开放的,通风的,非常适合轻松的夏季生活和娱乐.

osterville home, digs design, living room(Photography: Greg Premru)

The congenial layout prompted interior designer Jocelyn Chiappone, owner of Digs Design Company, 为空间创造一种凝聚力,以色彩为中心. The beloved Athabasca blue accents interior selections, 蓝色和绿色的调色板在主要的生活空间中和谐地流动. “我们都喜欢这种色调,很高兴看到它是如何将家庭联系在一起的,同时也展示了它的多功能性,” notes Chiappone. 传统家具的轮廓为Chiappone大胆的图案和层次的结合提供了完美的画布. 将棕榈滩的别致美学与经典的科德角学院风格相结合, the overall concept hearkens to her signature Digs Mix. “I always find it interesting to meld aesthetics,” says Chiappone. “For this project, 我们有图案和强烈的颜色,以及平静的中性色和复古单品,这些都是整个造型的基础. The overall effect is chic, yet classic and comfortable.” 传统的科德角瓦风格美学贯穿整个餐厅和客厅, with a continuous coffered ceiling crafted by ML Custom Millwork. Bold and unexpected light fixtures, 颜色, 图案和纹理细节毫不费力地将棕榈滩别致融入其中. 平衡的并置不仅为设计增加了视觉趣味和维度, 但也创造了永恒的吸引力,在传统元素锚更有趣和引人入胜的纹理繁荣. 

“将大胆的颜色和图案混合在一起的诀窍是,同样要注意中性元素 the eye to rest and delineate the color.” - Jocelyn Chiappone, Digs Design Company

奥斯特维尔家,digs设计,海湾建筑商,菲利普黄金建筑师,泳池房子(Photography: Greg Premru)

While traditional features such as coffered ceilings, a paneled staircase, and chinoiserie style built-ins allude to classic 角 Cod, the interiors are brimming with elements of surprise. “我们希望在不干扰主要生活区流动的情况下为设计增添个性,” notes Chiappone. To do this, Chiappone added pops of aqua, vibrant green, 黄色的, and raspberry in the mudroom, laundry room, and bunk room, all of which were closed off from the open layout. “将大胆的颜色和图案混合在一起的诀窍是,同样多地关注中性元素,让眼睛休息和描绘颜色。,” Chiappone explains. To create a dramatic impression upon entry, the great room club chairs feature a bold chevron on the back, 而内部坐垫的坚固中性则在坐下时营造出一种平静的氛围. 同样的, the kitchen makes a statement with bold tile, while the natural dining area serves as a quiet backdrop. 光滑的双12英尺纳米门提供了一个轻松的室内室外过渡,设置了一个悠闲的夏季生活方式的场景. Adjacent to the pool house, 一间客房建在车库的顶部,提供了充足的娱乐空间. 所有的户外聚会空间都整齐地坐落在Coy 's Brook landscape的繁茂景观层中. A chromatic cohesion continues into outdoor spaces, 在中性的家具上,醒目的室内装饰突出了夏天的自然活力. 为聚会和享受而设计,这个奥斯特维尔的宝石准备吸引所有进入的人.


Architect: James Phillip Golden Architect, Interior Designer: Digs Design Company建造者: Bayside Building, Inc., 景观: Coy's Brook Landscaping, Shutters: New England Shutter Mills设计师: Karin Lidbeck, Cabinetry: ML Custom Woodwork, Writer: Maddie Brisbane, Photography: Greg Premru



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