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Color Makes a Comeback: Vivid Looks for the Kitchen and Bath

Kitchen with Color

Now, we have nothing against the clean, 全白色的厨房和主浴室近年来风靡一时, but we’re thrilled to see that color has resurfaced, and that some daring new designs are hitting the home front. 无论是在整个空间中自由使用,还是作为关键功能的点缀, the use of color in kitchens and baths energizes a space, casting a distinct mood and injecting personality. 

For the Kitchen

Blue kitchen

Interior design by Kotzen Interiors; millwork by Modern Heritage; photography by Sam Gray

作为“it”的颜色,蓝色是当今最酷的厨房设计的特色. Barbara Kotzen of Kotzen Interiors 把“皇家”置于经典的皇家蓝中,为橱柜增添了一份壮观 white and blue kitchen. 明快的色调与闪闪发光的白色后挡板和大理石台面(以及隔壁房间的壁炉)形成鲜明的对比。, and warmed by the rich wood flooring and beam. 强大的颜色选择作为一个惊叹号,为广阔的开放的平面图, 锚定柔和的蓝色调编织在整个客厅.

Open kitchen in blue

Interior design by Kotzen Interiors; millwork by Modern Heritage; photography by Sam Gray 

Pale blue kitchen

Roomscapes Cabinetry and Design Center; Interior Design by Barbara Bahr Sheehan; construction by Mackenzie Brothers

For a grand-scale new construction in Plymouth, 客户对长春花的喜好影响了厨房的设计和整个家庭的软处理. “我们总是想把客户的个性带进来,”设计师朱莉·莱昂斯(Julie Lyons)说 Roomscapes Cabinetry & Design Center, “so it was key to bring that color into the island.”

Pale blue kitchen

Roomscapes Cabinetry and Design Center; Interior Design by Barbara Bahr Sheehan; construction by Mackenzie Brothers

As a focal point in the main living area, the island provides a perfect opportunity for a color infusion. It was important for the client to have a spacious kitchen 有宽敞的空地,让许多人可以舒适地行走,但不以牺牲舒适为代价. Lyons explains that the custom color, tempered and enriched by a vintage glaze, brings intimacy to the open and roomy kitchen.

Gray Bar

Roomscapes Cabinetry and Design Center; Interior Design by Barbara Bahr Sheehan; construction by Mackenzie Brothers

The front door wears the same shade of periwinkle, 欢迎客人,并提供一个视觉提示,将交通引入家庭的公共空间. 莱昂斯说:“你走进房子的那一刻就能感受到这种联系。. As you move through the space, 色调构图从吧台区域的浅灰色逐渐渐变到厨房的深蓝色, defining the layout as it goes.

Beach House Kitchen

Kistler & Knapp Builders, Inc.; photo by Dan Cutrona

For a modern home in Truro, Kistler & Knapp Builders, Inc. 将自然景观的美丽带到室内,当制作一个厨房时,唤起了大海的色调, sky and dune. 岛上较低的橱柜和架子选用了一种活泼的绿松石, enlivening a palette of sun-kissed driftwood hues. 在柜台和后挡板上的沙滩条纹和细微差别的衬托下,光泽的固体色更有冲击力.

Beach house kitchen

Kistler & Knapp Builders, Inc.; photo by Dan Cutrona

这种配色方案营造出一种轻松、“感觉良好”的氛围 home on Cape Cod. Here, color most certainly conjures a mood, 它利用了海洋的能量和广阔的沙滩所带来的放松状态. 

Red kitchen island

Rock Pond Kitchens & Bath

On Martha’s Vineyard, owner Paul Lazes of Rock Pond Kitchens & Bath 当一个客户想要给他们的厨房来一场辣椒红的震撼时,你是否为离开令人垂涎的白色厨房而感到兴奋. “该岛长期以来一直是对比材料或颜色的地方,” he explains, so the island served as the nexus for this kitchen, 将后挡板上的红色瓷砖图案以及相邻休息区的沙发拉进来. At 7x7 feet, the island already makes a statement, but dressed in that fiery shade, it is gutsy and gorgeous.

Purple Kitchen

Interior design by Denise McGaha; Kohler Artifacts faucets and Strive Sink available at Snow and Jones, Inc.

Speaking of adventurous, 室内设计师Denise McGaha在想象一个具有现代功能的装饰艺术厨房时,释放了紫色的力量. Painted in shades of lavender and plum, 这个开放布局的空间具有明显的魅力和中世纪风格,由其金色的口音实现, patterned tile and oil-rubbed faucets that cast a vintage feel.

Art Deco kitchen

Interior design by Denise McGaha; Kohler Artifacts faucets and Strive Sink available at Snow and Jones, Inc.

For the Bath

Indigo Powder Room

Lapis from the “Linea Couture” collection, Cumar, Inc.

The first-floor powder room is often a space for the bold and the beautiful; the one setting in the home where interior design risks don’t feel so risky. Sealed off from the rest of the living spaces, and both a private and public realm, 化妆室可以是一个壮观的惊喜和设计展示. 设计师克里斯汀·帕顿(Kristin Paton)和道恩·卡罗尔(Dawn Carroll)设计的这款浴室“首饰盒”也是如此 Cumar, Inc. selected the solid, semiprecious Lapis stone from the company’s “Linea Couture” collection. 这种罕见的靛蓝和奶油色的石头“被世界各地的收藏家梦寐以求”,是奢侈品的完美伴侣, hand-painted silk wallpaper.

Orange bathroom  

Newton Kitchen & Design

Pierre Matta, co-owner of Newton Kitchen & Design, added a world of color to his showroom 为了证明浸透色彩的特征可以是光滑和复杂的,也可以是明亮的. Mission accomplished. Newton Kitchen & Design’s bright orange cabinetry makes this vanity come alive, and it’s functional as well, 抽屉里有插孔,可以方便地利用空间. With its high-gloss finish on top of lacquer, 橱柜看起来与天然石英岩柜台和水池之间瀑布般的石头“瀑布”相映成趣. 柑橘色在白天是快乐的——“它让你微笑,”玛塔说——而在晚上则是戏剧性的. The quartzite is backlit to give the design a lustrous glow. 

Colored faucets


Designer Bath and Salem Plumbing Supply 发现顾客往往只是想要一点颜色. Sigma’s colored faucet handles 一个梦想是对承诺羞涩和客户寻找一个新的更新他们的水槽. “飞溅”系列有一系列的色调和饰面(想想石板PVD), black nickel PVD and brushed bronze PVD), and can even be customized with multicolor spokes, for homeowners seeking a rainbow connection.

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