

Interior design inspired by India by Anthony Catalfano 内饰

It’s fair to say that most of us have a serious case of wanderlust at the moment. And given that our collective love of travel must go unrequited at the moment, we endeavor to bring a bit of the beauty and adventure of travel to you. The following residential settings were inspired by idyllic, and often exotic, locales. 

Architectural and landscape design inspired by Japan by 禅宗的同事, Inc.

Lead architect — Interior and 景观 Architecture: 禅宗的同事, Inc.; Technical Architect: Smith 365体育官网客户端; 建设 Michael K. Walker; photo by Robert Brantley

这个当代海滨项目由 禅宗的同事, Inc. is a transcendent takeaway from a client’s travels to Japan. As the clients were intrigued by the traditional Japanese approach to architecture and lifestyle, they sought to channel its characteristics—single floor-living, 无缝室内/室外连接, rooms connected by covered walkways and accessible by sliding doors and hip roofs—in their own design. 

Architectural and landscape design inspired by Japan by 禅宗的同事, Inc.

Lead architect — Interior and 景观 Architecture: 禅宗的同事, Inc.; Technical Architect: Smith 365体育官网客户端; 建设 Michael K. Walker; photo by Robert Brantley

禅宗的同事, which synthesizes landscape design and construction, 室内设计, 回答与 Seijaku, a Japanese moniker for the home “meaning ‘serenity’ and a sense of being one with nature,公司提议道。. This close kinship of construct to landscape was realized through deep overhangs, pocket doors that slide effortlessly to reveal Japanese gardens and outdoor living spaces and full views of the ocean throughout. 材料, 而日本的影响, were selected for their proximity to the ocean and the elements, 泳池甲板用的是ipe木材, and southern yellow pine and cypress for the main structure. 

Guest bedroom with an interior design inspired by Nantucket

体系结构的 Shope Reno Wharton; construction by Soderholm定制建筑公司.; interior design: Diane Lindquist Watts; interior millwork: Fine Finish公司.; custom finishing: Wayne Towle大师修补 & 修复公司., finish carpenters; C&M Custom Carpenters; flooring: 加尔文地板; photo by Richard Mandelkorn 

The guest rooms of a forever home designed for multiple generations by Shope Reno WhartonSoderholm定制建筑公司. were personalized to reflect the family’s favorite travel memories. The bedroom above captures the feel-good cottage flair of Nantucket in both its interior architecture and finishes. 它镶有亮白色的镶板, and features herringbone teak flooring and hand-selected art and mementos that speak to the island. 

首页 design inspired by New Zealand's Huka小屋 by 托马斯J. 奥尼尔公司.

设计和建造 托马斯J. 奥尼尔公司.; photo by Dan Cutrona

When renovating a sprawling ranch located high on a lakeside on Marstons Mills, 旅行频繁的客户 托马斯J. 奥尼尔 found that the beautiful property called to mind the setting of Huka小屋, a luxury resort they love in Taupo, New Zealand. They beseeched the full-service builder to research the world-class vacation retreat and convey its style and sensibilities on 角 Cod.

奥尼尔 used a similar color palette to the Huka小屋 (think dark teal blue and aubergine), 桃花心木, 冷杉和sapele橱柜和硬木, and opened the one-story home up to the beauty of its grounds with a walkout. 他还重新设计了房子的低屋顶, carving out and paneling an enlightened space for clerestory windows that bathe the living spaces in sunshine.

Interior details inspired by Mexico in a home by LDa架构 & 内饰

建筑和室内设计 LDa架构 & 内饰; 摄影:Sam Gray Photography

The entrance to the master suite of a Swampscott home, conceived by LDa架构 & 内饰 for urbanites who fled the bustle of the city for a new beachside residence with full water views, 向墨西哥一家受欢迎的酒店致敬. 微风和宽敞的套房的特点 clavos (also known as Mexican nails) studded doors, wrought-iron hardware used to decorate wood elements in the manner of a Southwest hacienda. 

Soaking tub with oceanside views in a master bath designed by LDa架构 & 内饰

建筑和室内设计 LDa架构 & 内部; 摄影:Sam Gray Photography

浴缸, which is surrounded by panoramic ocean views and situated atop a pebbled inset within the tile, is an exact replica of the model the clients were smitten with at their hotel.

Interior design inspired by India by Anthony Catalfano 内饰

建设 现有的建筑商; architecture by Greg Colling; interior design by Anthony Catalfano 内饰; photo by Warren Patterson

室内设计师安东尼·卡特法诺 Anthony Catalfano 内饰 brought the jewel-toned splendor of India to the top floor of a Metrowest carriage house owned by culture seeker and auto scion Ernie Boch, Jr. 建造的 现有的建筑商 with architecture by Greg Colling of Merrimack Design, the luxurious lounge is brimming with smoldering colors like persimmon, 绿松石和指甲花, 温暖的金属, 还有进口的雕刻品, 来自印度的面板和古董.

Interior design inspired by India by Anthony Catalfano 内饰

建设 现有的建筑商; architecture by Greg Colling of Merrimack Design; interior design by Anthony Catalfano 内饰; photo by Warren Patterson

“在印度, 这都是365体育官网客户端纹理和面料,卡特法诺说, so he piled on silk rugs striped like Bengal tigers, 像纱丽一样垂下来的帘子, 鳄鱼皮家具, 毛绒天鹅绒内饰和地板枕头, 闪闪发光的金色壁纸, 装饰性的金属, 红辣椒色的羽毛,错综复杂, 异国情调的木制品. 
